The Pieces: KIM Kwan-Young Solo Exhibition 金官泳個展 — The Pieces

12 May - 11 June 2023

It has been 17 years since I started working on retrieving lost memories that were buried in my subconscious. If I were to describe my past memories and emotions in one word, it would be "depression".

I am different now. I dream of happiness and live each day with gratitude. I am grateful for being alive, for having a loving family, and for being able to draw. I am also thankful for those who appreciate my art. I want to express my heart through countless drawings, memories, and pieces.

 Consciousness and unconsciousness interact with each other and produce numerous pieces of memory that are joined and grouped together, or scattered in smaller pieces to idealize the memory and overlay it with other, or sometimes cover it with opaque shrouds. No one’s memory is perfect. In this age, when even AI(Artificial Intelligence) expands its own memory, such imperfection distinguish humans from machines and it leaves arts as human territory.


  Kim painted such unconscious actin onto the canvas he faces every day. After hours of considering, one dot is stamped and a huge ares is painted in just a few seconds, vortex pilled up by meticulous calculations and one side covers or reveals the other. these unconsciousness codes, which are abstractly translated without the involvement of any specific forms, remind viewers some common emotions and stimulate memories in their respective depths.


  There now is something next to Kim who has been working on a series of tasks over the past years that adds memory at an uncountable rate instead of someone who has been losing his or her memory. These changes in the environment change Kim’s unconsciousness, and such unconsciousness is reflected in both colour and energy of brush touch of his work.


  For Kim Kwan Young, Painting is the way of finding lost memories in unconsciousness and identifying his other self. We hope viewers to have some times to recall their lost memories through Kim’s works.


出生於韓國,畢業於弘益大學雕塑系,因為自小時就嚮往繪畫,便前往義大利Accademia di Belle arti di Brera(Milano)專攻繪畫,一直到2010年都在義大利活動。他受到了法國表現主義「非正式藝術(Informe l)」運動的影響。 就像二戰以後,黑暗時代的背景和傷痛,發展成爲重視感情表現的原始抽象形態一樣。看著親近的人逐漸 失去記憶,金官泳透過賦予無意識的雕塑,及盼望找回記憶的過程,完成屬於自己的抽象作品。

金官泳將這種無意識的作用轉移到自己每天面對的畫布上。 經過數小時的思考後,在滴上一個點的同時,不知不覺短短幾秒鐘內就已漆出巨大的區域,細微的漩渦在 縝密的計算下堆積起來。一層一層看似隨機重疊的染料,沒有任何具體的形態,就像是錯綜複雜交會在一 起的回憶,抽象地變換這些無意識的代碼,不僅會激發觀衆產生某種共同的感情,還會刺激各自深處的記 憶。

創作對金官泳來說,是在無意識中尋找失去的記憶,並發現另一個自我的過程。 也希望觀眾看到他的畫作時,時間能夠短暫的停留,重溫失去的記憶。他在義大利時也獲得一些獎項「IL GIUSTO MEZZO, Artista in bicicletta、Concorso di Aquiloni」,在香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、臺灣、美國、英國等國家都擁有些藏家和支持者。