Moon Seung-Yeon South Korea, b. 1982

Moon Seung-Yeon, born in 1982, graduated with top honors from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Toulouse, France. Upon returning to Korea, she has held solo and group exhibitions by several local galleries. Moon creates intriguing fairy tale figures portraying the ambiguous transition between expectation (ideals to) and reality. Every moment that passes instantly becomes the past, while our daily existence weighs on us heavily. Moon strives to capture the meaning of the time that unconsciously passes us by. She suggests for everyone to take a break to contemplate and appreciate the very moment through the eyes of her objects and innocent animals, that seemingly jump out from fairy tales.


Her works come with several distinctive personalities. Moon depicts huge eyes; she wants viewers to mirror themselves through the big eyes and to return to that very moment they can recall. Animals in her paintings represent best friends, family, mentors or even favorite pets who appear in life's journey. There is no hierarchy in these relationships, and they stay together forever unlike reality. The teacups appearing in her artworks are subjective to each viewer. They may contain something hot, cold, full, empty or even something in between. One look can be interpreted into many different facial expression for the audience to connect with their own imaginations of how they truly feel. The backgrounds of the artworks change over time as they reflect the unique experiences or dramatic changes in Moon's life.


Artist Moon Seung-Yeon hopes to draw out the childlike innocence that is buried inside us. In another words, by creating a modern fairy tale that brings spiritual peace and healing to our lives.


韓國新銳女性藝術家Moon Seung Yeon(文升妍)生於1982年,在法國哥德魯茲國立美術大學 (

École Nationale et Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Toulouse)以第一名優秀的成績畢業,回國後隨即受到韓國當地畫廊賞識,舉辦個展並參與眾多聯展。她擅長創造饒富童話故事性的角色人物,透過童話中的人物與情境表達時光在不經意間匆匆流逝,同時也是藝術家自我內心情感的紀錄與抒發。



